JT Goté, PM Butler, DB Zurek, EK Buschbeck, and NI Morehouse (2019). Growing tiny eyes: How juvenile jumping spiders retain high visual performance in the face of size limitations and developmental constraints. Vision Research, 160, pp.24-36.
NI Morehouse, E Buschbeck, DB Zurek, M Steck, and M Porter (2017). Molecular Evolution of Spider Vision: New Opportunities, Familiar Players. Biological Bulletin
SA Echeverri, NI Morehouse, and DB Zurek (2017). Control of signaling alignment during the dynamic courtship display of a jumping spider. Behavioral Ecology, arx107
DB Zurek, SN Gorb, D Voigt (2016). Changes in tarsal morphology and attachment ability to rough surfaces during ontogenesis in the beetle Gastrophysa viridula (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). Arthropod Structure & Development pii: S1467-8039(16)30140-2
TE White, RL Dalrymple, DWA Noble, JC O’Hanlon, DB Zurek, KDL Umbers (2015) (Authors contributed equally). Reproducible research in the study of biological coloration. Animal Behavior 106 (2015), 51-57
DB Zurek, TW Cronin, LA Taylor, K Byrne, MLG Sullivan, and NI Morehouse (2015). Spectral
filtering enables trichromatic vision in colorful
jumping spiders. Current Biology 25(10), R403-404
DB Zurek, SN Gorb, and D Voigt (2015). Locomotion and attachment of leaf beetle larvae (Gastrophysa viridula). Royal Society Interface Focus 5(1)
DB Zurek, MQ Perkins, and C Gilbert (2014). Dynamic visual cues induce jaw opening and closing by tiger beetles during pursuit of prey. Biology Letters, 20140760 *Cover
DB Zurek and C Gilbert (2014). Static antennae act as locomotory guides that compensate for visual motion blur in a diurnal, keen-eyed predator. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 281 (1779)
DB Zurek and XJ Nelson (2012). Hyperacute motion detection by the lateral eyes of jumping spiders. Vision Research, 66, 26-30
C Gilbert and DB Zurek (2012). Visual Neuroscience: Fruit flies use directional motion disparities to segregate moving objects from the optic flow field. Current Biology, 22(14), 565-567
DB Zurek and XJ Nelson (2012). Saccadic tracking of targets mediated by the anterior-lateral eyes of jumping spiders. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 198(6) 411-417
DB Zurek, AJ Taylor, CS Evans and XJ Nelson (2010). The role of the anterior lateral eyes in the vision-based behaviour of jumping spiders. Journal of Experimental Biology 213(14) 2372-2378 *Cover
Invited Presentations
Contributed Presentations
- Macro Photo/Videography Essentials. University of Florida, Gainesville FL.
- Modular vision and the design of dynamic visual signals. University of Florida, Gainesville.
- Target tracking in terrestrial hunters. International Congress of Neuroethology, Montevideo, Uruguay. Symposium: Neuronal mechanisms underlying target detection
- Retinal specializations and the architecture of visual signals. American Arachnological Society Meeting, Golden, CO. Symposium: Visual information acquisition, processing, and cognition in spiders
- Spectral filtering enables trichromatic vision in the principal eyes of Habronattus jumping spiders. Janelia Conference Insect Vision: Cells, Computation & Behavior
- Eight-legged Casanovas: Courtship behavior of colorful jumping spiders. Valentine’s lecture, Ecology Club, University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA
- High performance in a small package: the visual systems of arthropod predators. Westminster College, New Wilmington, PA, USA
- Color vision in a colorful predator: light path absorbance and retinal sensitivities in jumping spiders. 15th International Behavioral Ecology Congress, ISBE, New York City, USA.
- Visual systems of predatory bugs. Snodgrass & Wigglesworth Club, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA
- The visual system of jumping spiders. Jugatae Seminar, Department of Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA
- The right eyes for the job: Visually guided behavior of jumping spiders. Morehouse Lab, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA
- Motion detection in the secondary eyes of jumping spiders. Colour Workshop, Department of Biology, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW, Australia
- 2011
- The not-so secondary eyes of jumping spiders. Frye Lab, Department of Integrative Biology and Physiology, University of California Los Angeles, CA, USA
Contributed Presentations
- DB Zurek, SA Echeverri, S Long, E Jakob, NI Morehouse. How Male Courtship Displays Manipulate Female Gaze In Colorful Jumping Spiders, Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, San Francisco, CA, USA.
- DB Zurek, SA Echeverri, S Long, E Jakob, NI Morehouse. The Interaction Of Female Gaze And Male Courtship Displays In Habronattus Jumping Spiders. Animal Behavior Society, Toronto, CA (Talk)
- C Gilbert, MQ Perkins, and DB Zurek. Visual scanning by retinal movements of freely behaving jumping spiders. Janelia Conference Insect Vision: Cells, Computation & Behavior (Talk)
- Gilbert, C, Perkins MQ and Zurek DB. Target image expansion and contraction during visually-guided pursuit of prey induce jaw opening and closing by tiger beetles. Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology, W. Palm Beach, FL, USA. (Talk)
- Gilbert C and Zurek D. Change of gaze by retinal movements during locomotion by jumping spiders. Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC, USA.
- Gilbert, C, Perkins MQ and Zurek DB. Dynamic visual cues trigger jaw opening and closing by tiger beetles during pursuit of prey. J.B. Johnston Club, Washington DC, USA. (Talk)
- Zurek DB and Gilbert C. An insight into situational gaze movements of jumping spiders. Poster Presentation, International Congress of Neuroethology 2014, Sapporo, Japan. (Poster)
- Zurek DB, and Gilbert C. Running blind: Antennae are necessary and sufficient for obstacle negotiation in tiger beetles. ABS 2013, Boulder, CO, USA. (Talk)
- Zurek DB and Nelson XJ. Hyperacute motion detection by the lateral eyes of jumping spiders. International Congress of Neuroethology, College Park, ML, USA (Poster)
- Zurek DB, O’Carroll DC and Nelson XJ. Motion detection by the anterior lateral eyes of jumping spiders. Gordon Research Conference Neuroethology, Easton, MA, USA. (Poster)
- Zurek DB, O’Carroll DC and Nelson XJ. How do salticid secondary eye optics correlate with visually guided behavior? ABS/Ethology 2011, Bloomington, IN, USA. (Poster)
- Zurek DB, O’Carroll DC and Nelson XJ. Mapping of optics on the behaviour of jumping spiders. ASSAB Conference 2011, Adelaide, Australia. (Talk)
- Zurek DB and Nelson XJ. High acuity motion detection by the not-so-secondary eyes of jumping spiders. International Congress of Neuroethology, Salamanca, Spain. (Poster)
- Zurek DB, Evans CS, Taylor AJ and Nelson XJ. The role of the anterior lateral eyes in the vision-based behaviour of jumping spiders. Annual Meeting of the Society for Experimental Biology, Prague, Czech Republic. (Talk)
- Zurek DB, Evans CS and Nelson XJ. Motion Perception in the Antero-Lateral Eyes of Bark-Dwelling Jumping Spiders. ASSAB Conference, Auckland, New Zealand. (Talk)
- Zurek DB, Voigt D and Gorb SN. The role of attachment organs in the larval locomotion of the beetle Gastrophysa viridula. Annual Meeting of the Society for Experimental Biology, Glasgow, UK. (Poster)